Our Events: Fall Fellows Summit

Recognizing the importance of building and nurturing a sense of community among our Fellows, AWC hosted the 2023 Fall Fellows Summit in Washington, D.C. from November 7-9. The Summit provided an opportunity for this year’s cohort to meet in person, share their scholarship, and attend meetings and events.

The Summit kicked off with a tour of the White House followed by an interdisciplinary workshop. Dr. Paul Lettow, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute & AWC Senior Fellow, joined the Fellows for dinner to discuss the importance of policy-relevant scholarship. Dr. Lettow served on the National Security Council staff at the White House as senior director for strategic planning. In addition, he was senior adviser to the under secretary of state for democracy and global affairs in the State Department.

The Summit featured a private tour of the new National Museum of American Diplomacy and a meeting with Senior Foreign Service Officer Christopher Teal. The Fellows also presented their research at the American Enterprise Institute to Fellows and Scholars as part of the Departmental Lunch Series. The Summit concluded with a special meeting with Kenneth Weinstein & Walter Russell Mead at the Hudson Institute and a dinner with Frank Gavin & AWC Principal Hal Brands.

At the beginning of the spring semester, our AWC Fellows will attend the Winter Fellows Summit at Duke University.